Solar panel system

Photovoltaic power stations are installed on the roofs of enterprises! CCTV likes it!

Industrial and commercial enterprises and factory parks are most suitable to install photovoltaic power generation because of large power consumption and high electricity price. Moreover, the form of photovoltaic + plant roof has also been strongly supported by national policies. Many places in the country have issued documents to require the installation of photovoltaic power generation system on the roof of plants that meet certain conditions.

For enterprises, the application of photovoltaic building technology is also more with one stone. On the one hand, it can save the cost of electricity. After all, the cost of photovoltaic power generation is lower than that of municipal power. On the other hand, it can obtain the income from selling electricity. If it meets the green building standard, it can also get at least 100000 subsidies.

The most important thing is that photovoltaic power generation is a clean energy. Installation can bring a good reputation of green enterprise to the enterprise, improve the influence of the enterprise and enhance the corporate image. Why not use a big brand name card?

In addition to bringing economic benefits to business owners, industrial and commercial roof photovoltaic can also revitalize the roof fixed assets, save peak electricity charges, and sell surplus electricity online. In the social aspect, it can promote energy conservation and emission reduction, and enhance the green image of enterprises. Many well-known enterprises have already installed photovoltaic power stations on the roof of factories.

Next, let’s make an inventory of which celebrities have installed rooftop photovoltaic power stations besides Jingdong!


Alibaba Group plans to build distributed photovoltaic power stations for its rookie logistics park. On January 4, 2018, the photovoltaic power station on the warehouse of rookie logistics park was connected to the grid for power generation. In addition, more than 10 rookie logistics parks across the country are also building rooftop photovoltaic power stations, which will be connected to the grid in 2018.



It is understood that the power consumption of a Wanda Plaza in a month can reach 900000 kwh, which is equivalent to the power consumption of 9000 families of three in a month! In such a large energy consumption, Wanda took the initiative to build this 100 kW power station.



In March 2017, Amazon announced the installation of photovoltaic power plants in its logistics distribution center, and plans to expand to 50 centers by 2020 to deploy photovoltaic power plants.



In July 2015, the solar photovoltaic power generation project of Baidu cloud computing (Yangquan) center was successfully connected to the grid for power generation, which is the first application of solar photovoltaic power generation technology in domestic data centers, and creates a new era of green energy saving in data centers.



In August 2018, the global office stationery giant Deli group’s Zhejiang Ninghai Deli Industrial Park idle plant roof of hundreds of thousands of square meters production base is unwilling to “lonely” cross-border marriage photovoltaic. 9.2mw photovoltaic power station grid connected. The power station can save nearly ten million yuan of electricity fee for the park every year, which is equivalent to saving 4000 tons of coal consumption, reducing 9970 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and 2720 tons of carbon dust emissions



Apple’s new headquarters, apple Park, has also built a photovoltaic power station on the roof, which is the world’s largest roof photovoltaic power station, promising 100% renewable energy for all data centers.



The new office building and parking shed of Google headquarters are equipped with photovoltaic power stations. The headquarters covered by solar panels is like a blue ocean, with solar footprints everywhere.


IKEA roof


Roof of a factory in Belgium


Post time: Oct-28-2020

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